Firehall Bookstore/Firefighting in Canada
What We Do
The Firehall Bookstore provides training & public education materials to the Canadian Fire Service industry and its professionals. A one-stop-shop for books, DVDs, codes and standards, and fire prevention and education materials for community outreach. Fire Fighting in Canada is the No. 1 print and online resource for fire services from coast to coast. Published eight times a year, Fire Fighting in Canada focuses on training, leadership, and coverage of industry issues and events to help fire-service personnel stay current, engaged, and informed. Canadian Firefighter is written by firefighters, for firefighters – homegrown experts in extrication, training, public education, social media, fitness, health and wellness, and day-to-day firehall operations. In an era of evolving technology and social change, our writers help firefighters and fire officers adapt to t
Categories (3)
Books, Publications, Public Education
105 Donly Dr. South
PO Box 530
Simcoe, ON N3Y 4N5
PO Box 530
Simcoe, ON N3Y 4N5